Lena Marcano
Province: Alberta
Contact Me
Phone: 780-983-0244
Email: marcano.l@mortgagecentre.com
Website: https://skyfinancial.ca/
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About Me
Edmonton, Alberta
Lena has been with the Mortgage Centre since March of 1996. A constant office top producer, Lena brought 15 years of senior banking experience to her position as a topnotch, experienced, and knowledgeable mortgage professional. At the CIBC, she held a senior branch position as Account Manager responsible for major clients’ complete portfolio of loans, investments, and mortgages. In this surpervisory position Lena acquired a wide ranging knowledge of banking procedures. This inside information can be very helpful in getting the job done.
Call Lena for her expertise and commitment to you.
Phone: 780-983-0244
Fax Number: 1-800-524-7074